Our whitepapers

Data maintenance & storage: ‘problems’ always come at the worst possible time.

Information channels that are jammed or clogged cause serious delays. Delays usually come at the worst possible time, in situations where any hope of rescue is remote. In a manner of speaking, you might well be sailing towards a lethal iceberg with your data maintenance & storage and find yourself faced with a devastating and total disruption of your data flows and communications.

Buying mobile CRM: Are you the trapped mammoth or the hunter?

So, you think installing mobile CRM will give you a head start on your competition? Carefully choosing a package, installing it, training people and done. But then, it doesn’t appear to be all that easy. You start to feel like you’re doing it all wrong. You might even start to identify with the good-hearted and oblivious mammoth who is about to take a wrong step and get himself irrevocably stuck.

CRM Requirements for FMCG

This white paper describes the key FMCG-challenges in setting up the leading commercial strategy and delivering a powerful execution. Based on these challenges, this white paper highlights the key requirements of a strong CRM.